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Guide for Applicants

EGE - Opinion 24

Eligibility Requirements

AgreenSkills is open to researchers holding a PhD with up to ten year experience after Master's degree, career breaks not included. There are no conditions of nationality, or country of origin, the only aim being to attract the best researchers from everywhere in the world.


Incoming researchers (applying in one of Agreenium hosting laboratories in France) must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • Holding a PhD (or PhD will have been awarded by mobility start date);
  • Having a maximum of 10 year research experience (after Master's degree, i.e. the title giving access to PhD);
  • Not having spent more than 12 months in France within the last 3 years immediately prior to the expected date of recruitment ;
  • Being able to write and speak fluent English or French;
  • At least 1 publication in an inter-disciplinary or specialised peer-reviewed journal;
  • Having 1 publication in an inter-disciplinary or specialised peer-reviewed journal per 2 years of post-doctorate period (patents count as publications) taking into account the breaks;
  • Your research project is relevant to AgreenSkills fields of interest and must be compliant with the opinion 24 of the European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies.
  • The mobility period should last at least 12 months and up to 24 months.

 Outgoing researchers (employees of one of the Agreenium members applying in research units of universities or research centres out of France) must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • Being a researcher working for an Agreenium member organization (with an employment contract in effect during the mobility period);
  • Holding a PhD (or PhD will have been awarded by mobility start date);
  • Having a maximum of 10 year research experience (after Master's degree, i.e. the title giving access to PhD);
  • Having spent at least 2 years in France within the last 3 years immediately prior to the expected date of recruitment;
  • Being able to write and speak fluent English or French;
  • At least 1 publication in an inter-disciplinary or specialised peer-reviewed journal;
  • Having 1 publication in an inter-disciplinary or specialised peer-reviewed journal per two years of post-doctorate period (patents count as publications) taking into account the breaks;
  • Your research project is relevant to AgreenSkills fields of interest and must be compliant with the opinion 24 of the European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies.
  • The mobility should last between 6 months and 24 months plus a 6-month return stage.

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